
文 / admin
2024-07-05 评论 ()

“Penfriend”意思是笔友,这一表述主要出现在英格兰地区。例如:“My penfriend is very kind to others.”(我的笔友对别人很友善。)


The penfriend society has been established for the purpose of enhancing friendship. (建立笔友会是为了增进友谊。)

I haven't received any message from my penfriend for nearly half a year. (我已经将近半年没收到我笔友的消息了。)

The Penfriend Society has been founded for the purpose of promoting friendship. And groups of friends will gather in the pub for friendly matches. (建立笔友会是为了促进友谊。朋友们会在酒吧相聚,进行友好比赛。)

This is some of the situations of my penfriend! (这就是我笔友的一些情况!)
