
文 / admin
2024-07-05 评论 ()

就近原则:当出现 there/here + be/系动词、either...or...、neither...nor...、not only...but (also)...、not...but...、分数/百分数修饰名词(population 类别除外)以及表示众多的名词(不包括 quantity )

就远原则:例如 as well as、 (together/along) with、rather than、except/besides/but/including 等等 。


Not only you but also I am right.

地球的三分之二都被水所覆盖 。 2/3 of the earth is covered by water.

我们学校很多学生从未出过国 。 Many a student in our school has never been abroad.

是他而不是我是对的 。 He rather than I is right.

除了两个学生 ,教室没有其他人 。Nobody but two students is in the classroom.
