
文 / admin
2024-07-07 评论 ()

“Wife”意为“妻子”,其复数形式为“wives”。在一夫一妻制的社会中,这种复数形式较少使用,但如果要表达“他们的妻子们”,则需使用“their wives”。

Women in Indonesia have obtained modern divorce laws that ensure the equal rights of husbands and wives. 印度尼西亚的妇女已获得现代离婚法的保障,该法律确保了丈夫和妻子享有平等的权利。

Whether or not they verbalize it, most men expect their wives to be loyal. 无论他们是否明确表达,大多数男人都期望他们的妻子保持忠诚。

They lived together as husband and wife (as if they were married) for many years. 他们像夫妻一样(如同他们已经结婚)共同生活了许多年。
