
文 / admin
2024-07-07 评论 ()


1. “globe”:名词,意为“地球仪;地球(尤用以强调其大);球体;球状物”。

2. “globalization”:名词,指“全球化,全世界化(世界各地的文化和经济体系日益关联)”。



70% of our globe's surface is water.(地球表面 70%的区域为水所覆盖。)

The Characteristics of "China English" from Perspective of English Globalization.(从英语全球化的视角看“中国英语”的特征。)

This property specifies that this group node references a globally defined group.(此属性明确该组节点涉及一个全球定义的组。)

To achieve that we had to think globally from the very beginning.(为达成该目标,我们从一开始就必须具备全球视野。)

Globally it is adding 200,000 users a day.(在全球范围内,其每天增加 20 万用户。)
