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2024-07-07 评论 ()
陷入困境的英语短语有很多,比如:be stuck in trouble、be in trouble、be put in a tight spot、be in a (sad) pickle、get into hot water 等。 比如“get into hot water”,它的中文释义是“陷入困境”。例句:You must sit down and get that homework done, or you'll get into hot water at school tomorrow. 这句话的意思是“你必须坐下来做完作业,要不明天上学就会有麻烦的。”在这个句子中,“get into”的意思是“进入;陷入”。例如:How did we get into this recession, and what can we do to get out of it?(我们是怎样陷入这次经济衰退的,又该做些什么才能从中摆脱呢?)
