
文 / admin
2024-07-08 评论 ()

校服的英文表达方式有多种,常见的有“school uniform”、“uniform”、“school dress”等。

“school uniform”是最常见的表达方式,例如:

1. She takes great pride in wearing school uniform.(她为穿上校服而感到非常自豪。)

2. The headmaster elaborated on the idea for a new school uniform.(校长就新校服的想法作了说明。)

3. A student in a school uniform gave me some help.(一个穿校服的学生给了我一些帮助。)


4. When I was in school, we had to wear uniform.(我上学那时,我们都得穿校服。)

“school dress”则更侧重于指校服的款式或设计,例如:

5. He's already grown out of his school dress.(他已经长得穿不上他的校服了。)
