
文 / admin
2024-07-08 评论 ()

Admit 既可以作为及物动词,也能够作为不及物动词来使用。当它作为及物动词时,其后可以接名词、代词、动名词或者 that 从句作为宾语。此外,admit 还能够接纳以“(as/)to be + n./adj. ”作为补足语的复合宾语。

Admit 的词汇搭配:

1. admit error(承认错误)

2. admit excuse(允许申辩)

3. admit one's guilt(认罪)

4. admit the reality(承认现实)


He committed a serious mistake, yet he refused to admit it.(他犯了一个严重的错误,然而他拒绝承认。)

We must acknowledge that there is still space for enhancement.(我们必须承认,在这方面仍然有提升的空间。)

Each ticket enables two people to enter the party.(每张票允许两个人进入聚会。)


I grudgingly admitted being nervous about the test.(我不情愿地承认对测试感到紧张。)

He was admitted to the hospital due to suffering from burns.(他因烧伤而被送进医院治疗。)

(3)Admit 可以用于被动结构,其过去式 admitted 可以作为形容词,在句子中作定语。
