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2024-07-08 评论 ()

“平均值”在英文中的表达为 average,其缩写为 AVG。

average 的释义如下:

adj. 平均的;普通的;典型的;(价值、比率等)均值的

n. 平均水平;(速度等)平均率;平均估价


1. 算出那些比率的平均值并乘以一百。Take the average of those ratios and multiply it by one hundred.

2. 完成一幢房屋的销售平均需要十周时间。It takes an average of ten weeks to complete a house sale.

3. 大部分地区的降雨量多于往常,北爱尔兰地区本月的降水量为平均值的两倍。Most areas received more rain than usual, with Northern Ireland getting twice the average rainfall for the month.
