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2024-07-16 评论 ()

louder 和 more loudly 的区别:

词性不同:louder 有两种词性,作形容词时意为“响亮的”,作副词时意为“大声地”。而 more loudly 则为网络衍生词,暂无明确词性标注。

意思不同:louder 意为“响亮的;大声的;洪亮的;高亢的;大声地;响亮地;拉奥特;大声点;大声些”,more loudly 意为“更响亮”。

总结:louder 是形容词,表示“更大声的”,可修饰动词和名词;more loudly 是副词,表示“更大声地”,仅能修饰动词。

louder 的用法例句区分如下:

1. With a year of weak growth in prospect and a high risk of recession, the clamour for action is getting louder. 面临着经济放缓以及经济进入衰退的高风险,要求政府采取行动的呼声越来越高。

2. What! You want the music to be louder? I'll go ask the DJ to turn it up. 什么!你觉得声音还不够大?我去让 DJ 把声音调大。

3. For a short time after your Ear-Lighting session you may feel lightness in your head and noises may seem to be much louder to you. 亮耳之后的一小段时间内,你可能会感到头脑轻松,声音似乎也变大了。

4. Fannie found comfort in her mother's voice, but in the darkness behind them, the steps rang louder. 范妮从妈妈的声音中得到了安慰,但在她们身后的黑暗中,脚步声更响了。

5. And with everyone getting louder, this silence - or not communicating for any length of time - has become even more of a sacred commodity. 随着每个人的声音越来越大,这种沉默——或者说长时间不交流——变得更加珍贵。

6. Wonderful, and it would be nicer if you read it a little louder next time! 你读得很好,如果下次声音再大一点就更好了!

more loudly 的用法例句区分如下:

1. China's big trading partners are complaining more loudly that it intervenes too aggressively to keep its currency undervalued. 中国的大型贸易伙伴更加大声地抱怨,称其为保持货币低估而进行的干预过于激进。

2. Finance professors are not to blame for this, but they might have shouted more loudly that their insights were being misused. 这不能归咎于金融教授,但他们或许本应更强烈地指出他们的见解被误用了。

3. The chancellor would have been cheered more loudly had he doubled or trebled that figure. 如果他把这个数字增加一倍或两倍,欢呼声会更响亮。

4. In a moment they will laugh more loudly, aware of my lack of rule and of the fees their papas pay. 过一会儿,他们会笑得更大声,意识到我管理不善以及他们爸爸交的学费。

5. The laughter, which had shown signs of dying away, broke out again more loudly than ever. 原本已经减弱的笑声再次爆发,比以往更加响亮。

6. Suddenly heard a scream, then a little girl crying, crying more loudly, seems more takeoff roar more loudly. 突然听到一声尖叫,接着是一个小女孩的哭声,哭声越来越大,似乎比飞机起飞的轰鸣声还要响亮。

louder 是形容词,more loudly 是副词,用法不同。







loud 的比较级

Say it again, but this time louder. 我听不见。请大声地再说一遍。

more loudly


He barked again, more loudly, and tried to push the door open. 他又叫了一声,声音更大,并试图把门推开。
